Tuesday, 21 August 2012

   The ferry trip was so cold we slept in every place and position possible,  Cal discovered the head eating flaps to hide the shame, we had to remove the DO NOT SLEEP IN THESE CHAIRS  sign

every time we checked there was still 3 hours to go, getting board we gate crashed the trucks lounge... the security asked "are you drivers?" we just responded "yes" and that was it. with no euros to hand we got caught stealing 2 bread rolls ha! and looked for more ways to pass the time so had forward rolly polly racing down the coridors, when we drove off and got to grips with the netherlands roads we had the music blazing and were causing amusment for the locals. reaching amsterdam we found a cool pier to pull the van up and got on the b.m.x's in to city center getting a bit lost, we then saw an etheopian climb through a tennis racket, and hit the bars for a night of laughing till tears.

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who and where

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Two lads.... Callum and myself Phil have been planning an unforgettable month long trip across Europe in one of our Camper vans, destination.... "Outlook festival in Croatia" The festival is held on a small island with beautiful beaches. The festival is 5 days long and has a 3 day after party. We will be heading by ferry to the hook of Holland to stop at Amsterdam, then on through Germany where we are ridiculously taking the van around the Nuremberg ring, detouring a little to visit Prague in the Czech republic, and down across Austria and Slovenia to reach Croatia. The trip home will take us through Italy France and Belgium